To find the latest driver, including Windows 10 drivers, choose from our list of most popular Zyxel USB downloads or search our driver archive for the driver that fits your specific USB model and your PC’s operating system. If you cannot find the right driver for your device, you can request the driver. We will find it for you. ZyXEL G-202 Wireless USB Adapter drivers were collected from official websites of manufacturers and other trusted sources. Official driver packages will help you to restore your ZyXEL G-202 Wireless USB Adapter (network). Download latest drivers for ZyXEL G-202 Wireless USB Adapter on Windows.
ZyXEL is pleased to announce the following products have been tested and are fully compatible with Microsoft’s recently introduced Windows 10, the newest version of their operating system. ZyXEL assures customers each product in Table 1 has been tested for optimal performance in the Windows 10 environment.
All new ZyXEL products will now offer full support for Microsoft Windows 10.
Product | Model | Status |
Home Routers | Armor and NBG Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
Wireless LAN | WRE and NWD6505 , NWD6605,WAP Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
Powerline and Coax Adapters | PLA Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
Desktop Switches | GS and ES Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
Network Storage and Players | NAS and NSA Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
VoIP Gateways | P-270 Series | Windows 10 Compatible |
Please contact your local sales or service representatives if you require further assistance.