Based on the 1994 arcade game Alien vs Predator Razor Claws Alien stands about 9 inches tall with over 30 points articulation Features: new super-poseable Ultimate body and bendable tail Collect the entire Aliens vs Predator (Arcade Appearance) - 7' Scale Action Figures to complete your set.
- Predator is a beat 'em up video game developed and released by Capcom for the CPS-2 arcade game system in 1994. In the game, the players take control of up to three human and Predator.
- Game Information: The story takes place on the planet Vega 4 where workers are digging a subway tunnel when they accidentally uncover Alien eggs. The Aliens quickly overcome the colonists forcing them to send a distress call to the Earth-based authorities; however, the distress call is received and understood by a passing Predator ship.
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Alien vs. Predator is an arcade-only Beat 'em Up by Capcom released in 1994. (Other, not directly related Alien vs. Predator games share this title, including one released the same year for the Atari Jaguar.)
A shuttle crashes in the city of San Drad, California, carrying with it a deadly cargo of Xenomorphs. Two cyborg soldiers are trapped while fighting their way to the central hive, only to be rescued by a group of Predators. They decide to work together to rip the heart out of the infestation.
Up to three players select from four playable characters. The Predators provide a warrior and a hunter, while the humans are represented by two cyborgs: Major Dutch Schaefer (the hero of Predator) and Lieutenant Linn Kurosawa (who has several Lawyer-Friendly Cameos in later Capcom games). Together they wield a wide variety of weapons for fighting the Aliens invading Earth in great numbers.
- Aliens Speaking English: While averted with the aliens (Xenomorphs) themselves of course, the two playable Predators speak completely coherently. They drop partially into their native language during the Mad Predator battle.
- Ambidextrous Sprite: The player characters and human soldiers are all right-handed. However, this is not the case when they're facing left. Dutch Schaefer is the most blatant example since he has a cybernetic right arm.
- Arm Cannon: Schaffer has a cybernetic arm with a Smartgun mounted on it.
- Authority Equals Asskicking:
- Played straight with the aliens, wherein Royal Guards are practically minibosses in their own right, with the Alien Queen being the toughest mother of them all.
- Subverted with the human enemies. The Corporal enemies are stronger than the Sergeants, despite the latter having a higher rank, and the Corrupt General even ends up being The Unfought courtesy of the Alien Queen ripping him in half.
- Bait-and-Switch Boss: The Corrupt General. After fighting his squad of mooks, you come face to face with him... and then he is impaled and bitten in half by the Not Quite Dead Alien Queen.
- Battle Couple: Dutch Schaefer and Linn Kurosawa, before teaming up with the Predators.
- Beware My Stinger Tail: Many Xenomorph types can use their tails to attack, especially the Arachnoid class. The Alien Queen even impales the General with this before killing him, a move which she can also use on you in the final battle if you're not careful once she jumps above the ceiling.
- Blade on a Stick: Each Predator wields one, which Dutch and Linn can pick up if they happen to get knocked out of the Predators' hands.
- Book-Ends: In multiplayer, at the start of Stage 1, the human characters ask the Predator Warrior why the predators are helping them, to which he responds that if they survive this, he will tell them. Cue the ending, where the humans repeat the question, to which they get a cryptic 'You'll find out. See you soon.'
- Bottomless Magazines:
- Played with for Linn. She can fire dozens of rounds from her pistol, but eventually she has to stop and reload.
- Averted with all the projectile weapons you can pick up (grenade launchers, flamethrowers, smart guns, pulse guns). Fire one of these enough times, and it'll run dry and be thrown aside.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The Mad Predator, due to being infected with a chestburster like those infectoids.
- Colony Drop: The heroes destroy the alien hive in the city by making the Big Bad's ship crash into it.
- Cyborg: Dutch has a huge mechanical arm. The only reason you can tell Linn's a cyborg is when she starts slinging Xenomorphs around.
- Deadpan Snarker: One funny moment of this in the Japanese version on the malfunctioning elevator:
Dutch: 'Jeez, stuck again. What a rickety old junk...'
Predator Warrior: 'You mean yourself?'
- Degraded Boss: The Chrysalis and Power Loader bosses return (in pairs) during the final stage.
- Duel Boss: The Mad Predator, who is fought alone without any mooks helping it (in 1-player mode). If you have two or three players, this becomes a…
- Dual Boss: Where you will have to fight two Mad Predators.
- Dying as Yourself: The Mad Predator commits seppuku after defeat by the player, to prevent the chestburster from coming out. Sadly, the chestburster makes it out and chews his corpse in the following cutscene. No, you do not kill the chestburster on screen.
- Elite Mooks: The uncommon Royal Guards (seemingly based on the Praetorian aliens) serve this role.
- Enemy Mine: The Predators only team up with the human characters because the Xenomorph population on Earth suddenly exploded to an alarming degree. Once the end credits roll, they acknowledge the humans as fellow warriors...but then menacingly point their tri-dot aiming lasers at them before leaving for outer space.
- Everything's Deader with Zombies: The mutated infested soldiers called infectoids.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: Guess what the Corrupt General wants to do with the Xenomorphs?
- Expy: In addition to the eponymous characters on the title, there are even protagonists that share similarities from the films they're based on. Dutch Schaefer is the more obvious reference (mixed with the strength of the T-800), while Linn Kurosawa is based off of Ripley's cunning (thus the high 'skill' stat) and Sigourney Weaver's black belt. Okay, the last one was blowing smoke, but still.
- Flunky Boss: All the bosses come with some Mooks during the fight, with the exception being the Duel Boss/Dual Boss above. Taken Up to Eleven in the final battle against the Alien Queen, wherein she summons Degraded BossesandElite Mooks midway through the fight!
- Go-Karting with Bowser: Predators Warrior and Hunter fit this as they fight aliens while on Dutch's side.
- Hyperactive Metabolism: Picking up food regenerates your health.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice/Half the Man He Used to Be: Just before the Final Boss fight, the Queen impales the Corrupt General and then rips him in two in direct homage to a similar scene in Aliens.
- The Queen can also impale you with her tail as one of her moves, and it is very painful.
- Invulnerable Attack: The usual Cast From HP type seen in Beat-Em-Ups, used to get you out of a tricky situation or (if you have the cash to spare) spammed relentlessly to get you through the game.
- It's a Wonderful Failure: In the continue screens, humans characters get an Alien creeping upon them, while the Predators start their Self-Destruct Mechanism.
- It's Personal: The Predators after killing their infected comrade.
- Kamehame Hadoken / Ki Attacks: Linn Kurosawa has one special move where she charges, then unleashes Ki.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Linn Kurosawa carries one into battle. It's so much better, in fact, that it doesn't melt on contact with Alien Blood.
- Kung Fu-Proof Mook: The blue 'Defender' Xenomorphs have an annoying habit of blocking your attacks; grab them or use an unblockable move to hurt them.
- Lag Cancel: Believe it or not, Overheating your gun has its advantages.
- Mini-Game: The 'Break the elevator before it hits the ceiling' sequence.
- Not Quite Dead: The Alien Queen.
- Optional Character Scene: Depending on number of players and chosen characters: Example (based on Japanese version) at the start of stage 5, when the human soldiers are attacking the party:
Linn: 'There can't be any other military units besides us!'
Dutch:'We were disposable!'
Predator Hunter: 'So you're the cyborgs they abandoned.'
Linn: 'Shut Up! We're humans not machines!!'
- Overheating: Using a character's ranged weapon (Schaefer or either Predator) will drain a meter that slowly refills. If the meter drains completely, the weapon overheats and can't be fired again until it cools down.
- Linn's meter doesn't refill, as it represents the ammo in her pistol. Once it's empty, she stops moving and reloads.
- Percussive Maintenance: When the heroes arrive at the malfunctioning cargo elevator, the following exchange happens:
Dutch: 'I know how to handle this.' (punches the terminal, elevator starts moving) 'See? American Know-How.'
- And when it stops, it is done again on the other console.
- Lampshaded in the multiplayer:
- Personal Space Invader: Face Huggers and Chest Bursters will attempt to grab onto you and drain your health away. Smash the buttons to get them off.
- Rolling Attack: The Chrysalis uses this on you. Predator Hunter also has an aerial/bouncing version.
- Sir Not-Appearing-in-This-Game: In the cutscenes, there are three Predators. We never learn the deal with the third. (One could argue it's the Mad Predator, but he's alive at the end...)
- Shoulder Cannon: Both Predators wield shoulder-mounted plasma cannons.
- Shout-Out:
- The arcade game contains a few Shout-Outs to Konami's earlier AliensArcade Game, particularly the Chrysalis aliens and blue-skinned, chestburster-infected zombies called 'Infectoids'.
- The Predator Hunter uses a Tiger Uppercut as his anti air move, and has Blanka's Rolling Attack as his air-to-ground move.
- Major Schaefer seems to have learned several grapples from Mayor Mike Haggar.
- Lt. Kurosawa can unleash a burst of ki by holding and releasing the Attack button, which looks similar to Chun-Li'sKikosho.
- Linn Kurosawa.
- Spin Attack: Major Schaefer's electric arm spin, Linn Kurosawa's Senpuuzan, Predator Warrior's spear twirl, and Predator Hunter's disc blades.
- Suddenly Voiced: Either the Predator characters can talk, or they've prepared a lot of vocal clips for playback for every conceivable situation.
- The Unfought: The Corrupt General, due to being ripped in half by the Alien Queen.
- Unexpected Gameplay Change: A small one in the third stage, where the game becomes something akin to a Shoot 'em Up and you have to aim to shoot the aliens. Thankfully, you have no cooldown meter!
- Use Your Head: The green Xenomorphs (Smashers) will try to headbutt the player.
- Weak, but Skilled: Three stats are shown when selecting characters: Speed, Power and Skill. Linn Kurosawa has the lowest power and the highest skill rating of the four characters. She also has the largest number of moves out of the four.
- Weaksauce Weakness: The otherwise resilient Infectoids can be instantly killed if they get hit by a single projectile, or any other attack that knocks them down.
- Worthy Opponent: The ending strongly implies that Dutch and Linn are this to the Predators, after testing them in battle against the Xenomorphs.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Schaefer and the Predators use wrestling moves. Linn inverts this because her only throw must be performed in the air.
- The Power Loaders can backdrop you.
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle!: You kill the Alien Queen on stage 4. Happy end? No, there is still the matter of the evil private army trying to kill you.
- Zerg Rush: Most of the weaker Xenomorphs attack in this fashion.
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OverviewAlien vs. Predator is a 1994 arcade beat-em-up by Capcom. Humans and Predators join forces to fight the aliens who have overrun San Drad, California.
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